Sterling Roswell – Lonesome Death Of Johnny Ace (10")

9.00 EUR
Sterling Roswell – Lonesome Death Of Johnny Ace (10")

"3 Absolutely stunning tunes !!! ‘Lonesome death of Johnny Ace’ is a fantastic tune telling the story of mid 50’s R&B singer Johnny Ace who blew his brains to outer space while playing Russian Roulette on Christmas Day….Features Jim Sclavunos (Ex Cramp, Grinderman, N. Cave), Matt Radford (All round Double Bass Rockin’ Hero) and Sterling Roswell himself……The B-side features a truly mental version of Charlie Feather’s I Can’t Hardly Stand it which manages to out-Cramp The Cramps version. Probably the best Rockabilly to come out of the UK in 50 odd years !"

Trash Wax 2018